Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's your "Crafting POV"?

If you've ever seen Food Network's "Next Food Network Star" you'll know that the judges are always hounding people to figure out what their culinary point of view is, but why? Well, because that's what makes a consistent and lasting brand.  A person's POV drives their creations and ultimately their success because all of their ideas are based around this core belief.

The "POV Theory" has really come into play in my life lately.  As you may, or may not, know, I've been considering starting a small Etsy business, so that I can share my craftiness with others and hey, if I can make a buck or two, that'd be pretty sweet!  I have so many ideas of things that I could make running through my head, it's quite dizzying.  So to get a handle of where I should start, I focused on why I began crafting in the first place.

A lot of the reason my crafting obsession started was that I often see a design or idea in my head, but can't find anywhere to get it, so I'd make it instead.  I have always liked having things that I know no one else has. I like things that are, well, Simply ME. 

That epiphany resulted in the title of this blog, as well as my Etsy business (coming soon!)  Simply ME is as much about allowing me to craft and create my own designs, but to also provide my blog readers and my customers the opportunity to take what I've done and really make it their own.  At the end of the day, I'd want someone to think "this is simply me" and be referring to themselves.

I think I've always known all along what my crafting POV was, but now being able to put it into words and to own it- I feel that I have better direction for my Etsy future. 

So, stay tuned as this venture unfolds!  (If house decorating calms down, items should be listed in September.)

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